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The Power of Love Series

The One

The One

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The One

"Unique, simply beautiful."

"The unknown will behind every move I made, every corner I turned, had been there since the beginning of my time, with me and within me. It had been hiding for a very long time, silencing the fact that I had been moved like a pawn, moves and countermoves, by many, and furthermore by someone that had the power to own me completely."

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Ireland - Present time

Daniel's happy life with John is shattered by tormenting visions and dark dreams, revealing glimpses of a forgotten and a mysterious past calling from afar. Drawn to Ireland's mystical shores, Daniel meets Noah, an enigmatic figure who's soul resonates with his. As their connection deepens, they uncover a powerful, dormant magic that entwines their fates beyond anything they could imagine possible.

In a realm where light battles darkness, and an imprisoned god seeks to rise again, Daniel and Noah must break an age-old curse to prevent the second coming of an ancient, powerful foe. Alongside their epic quest, a profound, heart-breaking mix of love, attraction, and friendship blossoms, revealing the unbreakable bonds that withstand even the fiercest of storms.

Bound by fate, split by destiny, two human souls awaken to the terrifying omen of a newfound, unstoppable power. Their love could restore worlds… or ruin them.

Are you ready to enter a world where every choice could change the fate of the universe?

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Book Details

Number of Pages

Time to Read
14.5 Hours

The Power of Love

Kindle, EPUB, PDF, Paperback, Hardcover, Audiobook

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On this website, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones and all global bookstores

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